Mindset in the Making
Mindset in the Making is a space where we talk about Spirituality, Perfectionism and the Theatre and Dance Industry all through the lens of Mindset and Manifestation. I'm on a mission to eliminate the hustle mentality amongst performers by showing them they are innately worthy of their deepest desires and have the power to create a life they actually enjoy. We get open and honest real quick here, so pull up a chair and let's get started.
74 episodes
ITH Rehearsal Update Week 2
So... I got injured... yep... and this week I am sharing with you how I have navigated through an injury and what thoughts have been super helpful. I also had an extremely tough day on Sunday, our last day before going into the theatre and agai...
Episode 72

Week 1 of Rehearsals for ITH
This week I am sharing with you my experience during the first week of rehearsals and I am getting really honest and transparent. I want you to see the process in which I handle tough moments and what allowed me to show up with such integrity n...
Episode 71

Trusting My Gut/Life Update
This week's episode is a look into my life and the results I've been creating. There have been so many amazing things happening in my life and my growth and I am so excited to share them all with you! I am giving you a look into my brain and wh...
Episode 70

The Brain of an Artist with Emilie Leyes
Have you ever wondered what is actually happening inside the brain of an artist? How does this mindset stuff actually work and is there science to back it up? This week I am joined by the incredible Emilie Leyes, a NYC based actor, singer, ...
Episode 69

The Power of Focus with Susanne Puerschel
The next Choosing to Rise Artist Workshop is happening on Saturday April 30th and we want YOU to be there! We are talking about the Power of Focus and how changing your focus will change your life! In this conversation Susanne and I goi...
Episode 68

My Conversation with a Shamanic Energy Healer, Madeline
Ever heard of spirit guides, angels or past life experiences? This week I am talking to Madeline Corliss, a NYC actor, Shamanic Energy Healer and the founder of The Energy Studio. In this conversation we dive into Madeline's journey, the common...
Episode 67

How to Create Habits That Will Actually Stick
Adding habits into your life can feel like a grueling process. While on one hand you're excited to start something new, on the other you may be wondering if this will be just another thing that comes and goes like the wind. You want to be c...
Episode 66

The Truth About Losing Yourself
Have you ever been on a contract or been in a relationship and suddenly realized you had lost yourself amidst it all?Things were moving so quickly and whether you noticed it at first or not, one day you woke up and looked in the mirror and ...
Episode 65

Stop Manipulating Your Energy To "Fit" The Part
There are so many avenues you can go down in the Performing Arts Industry that it can be easy to feel like you have to "fit" yourself in each one. But, what if I told you that by "fitting" yourself in the box you think they want you in, you're ...
Episode 64

Why The No's Are Feeling Harder and Harder
Have you found that the "no"s are getting harder and harder to hear? Are you thinking that this should be getting easier since you've been auditioning for a while already? This week I am answering the question of how to make it easier and by th...
Episode 63

Stop Searching for Validation Outside Yourself
In this Bonus Episode Susanne Puerschel and I are talking about our next topic for the Choosing to Rise Artist Workshop on February 28th. VALIDATIONWe're diving into why we chose this topic and our own experiences with Validati...

Create Your Space, Feel Good and Make Magic with Carson Robertson
Creating experiences that are dedicated to our growth, spiritual development and pure enjoyment can feel easy when it is a designated practice, but how often are you creating those moments throughout your day?How often are you experiencing ...
Episode 62

Finding Where You Belong
Have you ever walked into the first day of rehearsals, a new dance class or even a group of friends and asked yourself "do I belong here?"Do you find yourself shapeshifting and changing who are you to fit in with the group that you're with?...
Episode 61

A Look Into The Process with James Jin
Have you ever wondered what it's like to be the one behind the camera? What's their experience as they capture the unique essence that is you? This week I am so excited to have James Jin on the podcast, giving us the behind the scenes on his Pr...
Episode 60

Discovering Yourself with Claudia H Stein
As artists it's so easy to feel pinned in as one thing or another. Flowing and pivoting within the arts is so normal, but I don't think it's talked about enough and therefore it may seem like you're not committed enough or like you aren't a rea...
Episode 59

What Does Power Mean To You? with Susanne Puerschel
The Next Choosing to Rise Artist Workshop is happening January 17th and we are diving into POWER! When Susanne brought this up to me she expressed how it wasn't until she realized that power meant something bad to her that it made sense why she...
Episode 58

Walking into 2022, How Committed Are You?
It is 2022! How are you feeling? Have you done your reflections for the year? Set your intentions and goals for the next 365 days? This week I am diving into what it takes to be committed to your goals. I'm also letting you in on what's...
Episode 57

Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas, I Got COVID
Well, it happened. I got the vid...The journey to finding out that I got COVID was a roller coaster that all took place around my birthday and Christmas. Through this whole process I had A LOT come up for me and I wanted to share it all wit...
Episode 56

It's More Than Creating. You've Got To Participate
When talking about manifestation it's so easy to get caught up in where you want to go. You have goals and dreams that you are achieving and you have a life that you are creating, but what about your life right now? Are you finding yourself jus...
Episode 55

Right Here, Right Now, You Are Already Whole
Have you ever said, "when I get [fill in the blank] I'll feel better, whole or successful?Have you been waiting to feel like you and your life have everything you need until the perfect job, relationship or home comes along? This week I am ...
Episode 54

The Key You're Missing for Manifestation
This week I'm diving into a crucial part of manifestation. As Manifestation continues to be a buzz word there seems to be a big gap in the process that is being shared. As much as taking action and gaining specificity on what you want is ...
Episode 53

A Meditation for Awareness
At the Choosing to Rise Artist Workshop I guided the group through this meditation to align them into the energy of awareness. I focused on allowing awareness to be a neutral practice that was free of judgement and criticism. So often as artist...
Episode 52

There's Beauty in Transformation with Sara Falaro
You are never going to be the same person tomorrow as you are today. Every moment you are transforming into a new version of yourself. This week I am honored to be joined by Sara Falaro, one of the most beautiful, authentic and cre...
Episode 51

Give Yourself Permission to Learn
As a perfectionist in an industry plagued by perfectionism learning is not something we have been taught how to do. Sure we have learned new skills as children, but once we've entered the professional world how much room is there to learn? Are ...
Episode 50

Looking Back At The Journey with Paige Teryn Breese
I got to bring my former client, Paige onto the podcast this week to talk about her MagMoMo Experience as well her incredible journey through the pandemic. Paige Teryn Breese is a performer, business owner, and host of The Babel Podcast. Her li...
Episode 49